Rosettes Presented.
Charleville Agricultural Show: Herd No. S974
Animal Health Status
TB - Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme
All animals must come from herds, which are Officially TB free (OTF - i.e., not restricted) and the herd and relevant animals must have had a clear test within the previous 12 months – this test must be recorded on the Department’s Animal Health Computer System (AHCS). In general, apart from cows of all ages and males over the age of 36 months (see next paragraph), no pre-movement test is required for TB. However, it is recommended by the Department that a 30-day pre-movement test for TB should apply to all Shows. Animals which have disclosed inconclusive reactor results are not permitted to be moved for the purpose of exhibition at shows.
From the 1 February 2023, cows of all ages and males over the age of 36 months that move from a show to a different herd must either have been tested in the previous 30 days or the animal and the herd presenting it to the show must have been tested in the previous six months prior to movement. If a cow of any age, or a male over the age of 36 months, moves from a show to a different herd and does not meet the above criteria then a TB test must be carried out on the animal concerned within 30 days of its movement into the new herd. If after 30 days, the animal has not been tested, the herd into which it has moved will be restricted and if, after a further 60 days the animal has still not been tested then the entire herd will be listed for a TB test. For further information see new bovine TB testing requirements for animal movements on
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD)
All bovine animals must have a negative BVD status for BVD virus (not antibody) when moving, including to shows, within the state. Animals entering the state, including Northern Ireland, must have a valid E.U. Health Certificate.
Identification, Registration, Movement Inspections
The restriction of a holding for noncompliance with IDR related issues will also impact movement of bovine to a show for the period of the restriction.
Bovine Identification & Mandatory Electronic Identification of bovines (EID)
Mandatory electronic identification (EID) of bovines has been implemented with effect from 1st July 2022. This means that all bovine animals born on or after 1st July 2022 must be identified with 2 official flag tags, one of which contains an EID component. All bovines born prior to 1st July 2022 must continue to bear 2 official flag tags as heretofore. There is no mandatory requirement that bovines in this age category bear an official EID tag.
All bovines attending shows must be accompanied by their passports.
Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) Notification
Cattle being Moved from Northern Ireland for an Agricultural Show
Movements from Northern Ireland (NI)
It is very important that any proposal to move cattle to a show, including from NI, is made known to the local RVO well in advance so that consideration can be given to compliance with the requirements outlined below.
The show premises at which the cattle will reside for the duration of their stay must be an assembly centre approved for Intra Trade (movements to other Member States) or of such a standard as being capable of being approved for such a purpose temporarily. A fundamental requirement for such premises is that they have surfaces that are capable of being cleaned and disinfected and have adequate cleaning and disinfection facilities. Adequate segregation facilities may be required also (see under “Status of Animals” below).
Status of Bovine Animals moved from Northern Ireland for a Show
Cattle from NI being moved to a show must be certified in accordance with the normal animal health requirements for intra-community trade in breeding animals including having passed a TB test (INTRA TRADE interpretation) during the 30 days prior to movement.
To comply with eligibility requirements for return to Northern Ireland after the show
Cattle cannot mix with any cattle of a lesser health status while at the show.
This can be achieved in one of two ways:
Documentation Required
Requirement in Respect of Cattle being:
Cattle for Breeding and Production
Valid identity card/passport - all animals
Negative TB test (Intra Trade interpretation) - all animals aged over 42 days within 30 days prior to movement
Regarding BVD, keepers will need to satisfy the RVO that
Note – Normal movement rules including the 30-day residency rule will apply.
B. Movement of Cattle to an Agricultural Show within the EU other than to Northern Ireland
Agreement for the movement and immediate return of cattle to a show in another country within the EU or vice versa currently applies for movements between Ireland and NI only. Requests for cattle from Ireland to attend shows in countries other than NI will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Before the movement of cattle from Ireland to a Show in parts of the EU other than to NI takes place, it is imperative to establish that the Competent Authority of the destination country has agreed to put in place the same system for the processing of the documentation as applies to movements to NI. Therefore, exhibitors who wish to show cattle at an EU Show other than in NI should contact the local RVO at least one month prior to the show.
Where the movement of cattle from Ireland is agreed with the destination country, the movement of such cattle must be recorded on AIM. When the official ITAHC for bovine animals is being issued by the local RVO, they will arrange to have the outward movement of the animal(s) recorded onto AIM.
Process to be followed to ensure that a record is generated to record the return of cattle from a Show to the Home Farm from:
Documentation required.
Following the show, the following must be provided:
**** Irish Shows Association Notice ****
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Certificate of Compliance Requirements
On the day of the Show, the Certificate of Compliance should be presented to the Show Secretary.
The keeper and the Show Secretary will then sign the Movement.
Notification section of the Certificate which will then Must be sent to the local RVO for recording onto the AIM system.
Important Notice
The Charleville Show Committee, acting by itself or through its Agents/Officers, reserves the right to reject or cancel any entry or entries made by or on behalf of any person, corporate or other entity and may direct the removal of any animal or other exhibit from the showing ring or display area and/or from the Showgrounds, if the Committee and/or its Agents/Officers shall deem it fit to do so, without offering any explanation or reason for so doing and without incurring any liability whatsoever to any such Applicant/Exhibitor or his/her/its Agent.
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
It is vitally important that all Show Secretaries comply with the rule & make sure to send back the Certificate of Compliance to your Local RVO Office within Seven Days of your Show taking place as failure to do so is causing untold problems to exhibitors.
After submissions from affiliated Shows on Judging of Calves & the need judged them by weight rather than by age at Shows The Irish Shows Association Cattle Sub Committee have put forward the following recommendation on use of live weight for calf classes e.g. Calves under 12 months not to exceed 460 kg (Autumn born calves and Calves under 6 months) it recommends that the weight should not exceed 320kg)
Another suggestion is to use no more than 1.7kg live weight gain per day from the birth date to the show date.
New Rule for Exhibitors
If a qualified exhibitor does not turn up to an ISA final without giving prior notice to the ISA office or to a board member he or she will incur a financial penalty
Beef Classes are kindly sponsored by Kerry Agri Charleville; Dawn Meats, Ballyhea; FBD Insurance, Mallow; Golden Vale Marts, Kilmallock; Southern Milling and Paul & Vincent, Kilmallock; Mallow Credit Union, Charleville Branch; ICMSA; AIB Bank, Charleville; Roches Feeds, Limerick; Byrnes and Dillon Oil, Charleville; Bank of Ireland, Charleville.
All Rings start at 10.00am
Show Herd No. S974
Organised by Carbery Show Society CLG, Skibbereen.
The Championship is for Beef Bulls (i.e. Charolais, Limousin, Blonde D’Aquitane, Simmental, Hereford, Angus, Belgian Blue and other Beef Breeds) over 1 year old on May 1st 2023.
The first prizewinner in each beef bull competition qualifies at each show to go forward to the final at Carbery Show on Thursday 20th July, 2023
PRIZEMONEY IS AS FOLLOWS: 1st - €400, 2nd - €200, 3rd - €100, 4th - €65, 5th - €40. €30 to all other finalists.
The Society wishes to thank the Sponsors for making this Championship possible.