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EQUESTRIAN ➤ HORSES - SUN 30TH JUNE 2024 ➤ RING 2 - MARES AND FOALS, SUN 30th JUNE, 2024 from 10.30AM Sun 8th Sep 2024

Sponsored By Bantry Show

PRIZE FUND: €2,000

The aim of this championship is to encourage the breeding of Irish Draught Foals.
2. The Championship is open to all foals eligible for ID Class 1 status.
3. Two Foals to be selected at each qualifier. A second foal may be selected at the discretion of the judges.
4. The Dams passport must be produced for inspection at the qualifying rounds and at the final.
5. The foals passport must be produced at the final.
6. One of the judges at the qualifying shows to be from the from the Irish Draught Horse Judges list if possible.
7. Foals competing at the final are eligible to enter any other class at Bantry Show.
8. There will be separate classes for colt foal and filly foals at the final.
9. The Champion will be selected from the winners of each class.
10. The Qualifying Exhibitor must fill out their own Qualifying Card at each show.
These rules should be read in conjunction with the I.S.A Rules.

ENTRY FEE: Qualifying Show €10. To Final €20.

Champion Colt/Filly: €300, Reserve: €200, 3rd €100, 4th €80,
All other competitors who attend : €75.
Champion Foal: €100.
The Overall Champion will receive €400 in total.

FINAL: BANTRY SHOW Sunday 20th August, 2023

EQUESTRIAN - Opening Notes

Please note entries close on Thurs 20th June. All entries after this incur €10 extra per entry. Entry cut-off 24th June 10am. No late entries accepted after this.

Entry Fee:  
Class is currently closed for entry.